Thursday, August 29, 2013

Sushi Rice


makes 5 servings

3 cups short-grain calrose rice
4 inches piece konbu
3 1/2 cups water


3 tablespoons sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
4 1/2 tablespoons japanese vinegar


1.     Wash and drain rice for 30 minutes.

2.     Place rice, water and Konnbu in Electric Rice cooker and cook.

3.     When cooking period is over, let it rest in the rice cooker for 5 minutes, 
        without opening.

4.     When cooking period is over, let it rest in the rice cooker for 5 minutes, 
        without opening.

5.      Take rice, transfer to wooden hanigiri (or bowl, if you don't have one, 
         but results will not be as satisfying) and sprinkle shari onto the rice.

6.      Using a rice paddle, mix and toss the sushi rice in a side way cutting 
         motion. As you do this, get someone to use a hand fan and fan your 
         rice. Keep on mixing for around 10 minutes. Cover the Hanigiri or your 
         bowl with a damp cloth as you get your other ingredients for sushi 

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